About us

We’re marketing, plus iQ

We started Marketing iQ to provide straightforward, uncomplicated answers to complicated marketing performance problems. 

We're here for marketers who want to understand more about what's really driving their brand, demand, customer profit and customer satisfaction performance - and how to improve it.

We can decipher what's really contributing to results, what's driven by the product, pricing, advertising and sales things you do - and what's driven by competitor, market, or environmental factors. 

And we can forecast what will happen when things change.

We turn your data into insights, and your insights into better performance.

Marketing iQ consulting services all of Australia and New Zealand

We ♥ Mondays

Seriously, we love what we do at Marketing iQ. We promise you’ll notice - we’re passionate about our work, and we get a real kick out of helping you work smarter.

Richard Clapp, partner and consultant at marketing iQ

Richard Clapp

Richard is our expert in data analytics, customer value modelling and segmentation – helping companies to achieve marketing focus and optimise profitability. He’s led award-winning strategic data and marketing consultancies, working across a range of industries in New Zealand and internationally.

Calm under pressure, Richard likes challenging clients' preconceptions of what's really influencing their results. A Cantabrian by birth, he's still a big fan of the Crusaders. 

Paul Millett, consultant at marketing iQ

Paul Millett

Paul thrives on the ideas and opportunities that are created following great insights from good data. 

Paul is passionate about helping clients to challenge their thinking, approach and attitudes towards their market, customers and product or service development. 

Paul is also a keen cyclist and will happily discuss the multi-day events he has competed in.

Dirk Reinhold, consultant at marketing iQ

Dirk Reinhold

Dirk is a specialist for data strategy, analytics and competitive insights that help clients create winning strategies to increase customer value and foster sustainable growth. 

Dirk loves making sense of complex and difficult problems, applying his unique mix of strong technical skills and extensive expertise in business analysis and strategic insights to build solutions that make a difference.

Outside of the data world he’s a musician, a snowboarder and always on the hunt for new knowledge to explore and learn. 


The rest of the team

Behind the scenes we have a team of professional data experts, strategists, analysts, marketers and administrators, working hard to deliver our best service to you.